Monday, September 28, 2009

People Are Getting On My Nerves!

So, how many of us can connect with this? Are there certain personality types that just tend to drive you nuts? I have been enjoying this week's reading SO much and I hope you do, too. I'm excited about turning any situation into a positive one and experiencing "freedom from self"! That's one thing I say I want so much in my life is freedom from self, freedom from my motivations, from my limited thinking, from striving to please myself. And I can just taste how peaceful that can be, so I just love how she connects it all, through Scripture, to PEACE. Oh yeah, but I have to put my own desires last on a regular basis in order to do that... even when I'm right? No fair! And I have to do that at home as well as at church, at work, with friends?? Oh man! I can't wait to make it a personal aim each day to be absolutely last and to experience the joy of putting others first (and enjoying it even if I don't feel that person is right... just enjoying seeking the best for someone else). So, here we go......

Oh, and by the way, please don't give up on turning in your Scripture verses that we will compile and give to you to help combat the negative thoughts we tend to have. That is going to be such a valuable resource, so we're gonna keep asking you to get them in to us. And if you can't find a verse for the thought... send me the thought (or thoughtS!) ( and we'll match it with a verse as best we can! Please make time today to look up that verse and send it to me so I can give it to Melanie. Thanks and have a peaceful week!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Positive Attitude and Having Enough TIME!!!!

OK, so have you been challenged to work on a more positive attitude? And how has it been going? Can you share your struggles and victories here? You can comment anonymously if you want! Have you found verses in Scripture to combat the negative thoughts you battle with? Share them with us!

Well, I know the next part of the book will be intriguing to many of us. Time! Who has more than enough of it? Who constantly struggles with managing it? Did you notice that in the reading we're going back to part one again? Gee, how important is that quiet time every day? Why do you think she felt the need to revisit that topic again? Are you seeing a theme here for the key to becoming an Unfrazzled Female??

So please share with me here your victories and struggles as you attempt to sacrifice that time each and every day!

Monday, September 7, 2009

What Some of Us Really Needed to Hear:)

Sooo, I gather from our group discussion Thursday and from reading blog comments that last week's study started out with exactly what some of us needed to hear. 'Cause let's face it, if we're not spending time with The One True God, what else really matters right? So, are you making progress in that area? Was this a call back to a habit you used to have? And, isn't it much MORE than a habit? What a fascinating, exciting, super-satisfying life we're missing out on if we're not spending a portion of each day in sweet communion with Him!! And doesn't everything seem to go much more smoothly when we're more connected to Him? Now, get ready for Satan to attack as he sees you getting that quiet time back on track... push through and keep going and pray for each other as you do. Have you tried preparing a spot before your personal time with Him to help you be ready and be accountable? It really has helped me to do that! Also, a couple ladies shared Thursday that sitting at a table rather than on a couch helps them a lot, too.

As you read about Mary and Martha could you see important things in your life that could be taking your time and attention away from the MOST important thing? Really put some thought to that and get ready to be free from obligations. Listen to Him and try to only take on what He wants you to "take on" and it won't feel nearly as heavy if it's His will rather than your own:)

Can you grasp that Jesus LONGS to spend time with you? Keep reminding yourself of that amazing truth!! Which of Cindi's two understandings of "sitting at His feet" do you find easier? For each of you it will be different. Is it easier for you to spend a set aside time with Him each day or to consult and share with Him throughout each choice you make and experience you have throughout the day? Make it a point to put more effort toward the one that is the most challenging to you, all the while reminding yourself that it is not a task, but an invitation to something wonderful! And please take it one day at a time:)

I'm excited to hear your feedback on how spending more time with Christ makes it easier to recognize His voice when He's calling you... like little Samuel! Remember how patient He is with you, just as He was patient with Samuel and how persistent He is because of His GREAT love for you.

Love you ladies SO much and I have enjoyed your connecting through your posts, your honesty, vulnerability, and desire to see His beautiful face and hear His soothing voice!

I'll close with John 17:13, where Christ is talking to God shortly before His death.
I am coming to You that my JOY may be made FULL and COMPLETE and PERFECT in them (YOU!), that they (YOU!) may experience my DELIGHT FULFILLED in them (YOU!), that My ENJOYMENT may be perfected in their own souls, that they may have My GLADNESS within them, FILLING their hearts.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Are You Having Trouble Even Getting Started???

OK... so if you consider yourself a FrAzZlEd fEmAlE then how can you even find the time to get started on learning how NOT to be one, right??!! Come on, girls... this is where a little willpower, a little perspective, and some good ol-fashioned accountability come in! Let's do this as a group! You're not alone and you CAN do it! Ask Him for help right now in this very moment and commit to give your best energies to spending time with Him. Also lift up your fellow MOMSers and bloggers in prayer! He WILL be faithful, He WILL hear you, He WILL help you! Sooo, let something go if you have to (housework, sleep, whatever) and make it happen today!

And, by the way, here are some de-frazzling tips from the frazzledfemale website:

- Slow down and relax some during the day. Take a little time to get comfortable and feel peaceful. These occasional breaks will clear your mind and help you think about pleasant things. You'll also find that this calming exercise is well worth whatever it takes, to do it. Taking this break will empower you with fuel and freshness to deal with turmoil.

- Choose to deal with negative attitudes. These disruptive thoughts cause "brain drain" and siphon your energy. Besides that, worry and frustration take up so much of your precious time. You could better use this time on problem solving or positive interaction with others. Practice replacing these negative intruders with positive and pleasant thoughts.

- Find something to anticipate. This may be an outing with family or friends. It could be a needed get-away for you to have some private time. Whatever it may be, the practice of anticipation stimulates zest and the zestful person has more energy to deal with the unexpected -- which, of course, IS expected.

- Take slow deep breaths. Slowly breathe in as deeply as you can through your nose. Then quietly and peacefully let the air all of the way out. do this at least three times a day. Getting the stale air out of your lungs helps you feel more energetic.

- Exercise. Now this has been mentioned in every other chapter. Must be pretty important, huh! A fast-paced workout for 25 minutes a day can do wonders for your physical condition AND decrease negative stress levels. The payback from this investment is well worth the time and energy involved doing it.

- Close your eyes and think Happy. As corny as it sounds, this practice will help calm you and help you relax. Remind yourself of your priorities in life. Think about what really matters to you. Maintain a proper perspective.

- Give yourself 10 minutes ... after entering your home in the evening -- to change clothes and "regroup." Don't talk to anyone before you've had this time.

- When things get really tough, confide in a friend. It's healing, talking with someone who understands.