Monday, September 28, 2009

People Are Getting On My Nerves!

So, how many of us can connect with this? Are there certain personality types that just tend to drive you nuts? I have been enjoying this week's reading SO much and I hope you do, too. I'm excited about turning any situation into a positive one and experiencing "freedom from self"! That's one thing I say I want so much in my life is freedom from self, freedom from my motivations, from my limited thinking, from striving to please myself. And I can just taste how peaceful that can be, so I just love how she connects it all, through Scripture, to PEACE. Oh yeah, but I have to put my own desires last on a regular basis in order to do that... even when I'm right? No fair! And I have to do that at home as well as at church, at work, with friends?? Oh man! I can't wait to make it a personal aim each day to be absolutely last and to experience the joy of putting others first (and enjoying it even if I don't feel that person is right... just enjoying seeking the best for someone else). So, here we go......

Oh, and by the way, please don't give up on turning in your Scripture verses that we will compile and give to you to help combat the negative thoughts we tend to have. That is going to be such a valuable resource, so we're gonna keep asking you to get them in to us. And if you can't find a verse for the thought... send me the thought (or thoughtS!) ( and we'll match it with a verse as best we can! Please make time today to look up that verse and send it to me so I can give it to Melanie. Thanks and have a peaceful week!


  1. One thing that helps me when people are getting on my remember most of the time,(99.9% of the time actually), in a few minutes, hours or days, what I was so upset or annoyed about will be forgotton. My annoyance is most of the time due to ME not getting MY way and ME being the most important ONE. Oh!to give up our selfish ways!

  2. You're so right, Heather. Thanks for that reminder!

  3. I agree Heather.....Beth L.
