Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Positive Attitude and Having Enough TIME!!!!

OK, so have you been challenged to work on a more positive attitude? And how has it been going? Can you share your struggles and victories here? You can comment anonymously if you want! Have you found verses in Scripture to combat the negative thoughts you battle with? Share them with us!

Well, I know the next part of the book will be intriguing to many of us. Time! Who has more than enough of it? Who constantly struggles with managing it? Did you notice that in the reading we're going back to part one again? Gee, how important is that quiet time every day? Why do you think she felt the need to revisit that topic again? Are you seeing a theme here for the key to becoming an Unfrazzled Female??

So please share with me here your victories and struggles as you attempt to sacrifice that time each and every day!


  1. I do feel that it is definitely a challenge to have enough time to do it all. Prioritizing and really seeing what is REALLY important to God and my husband has really helped.

  2. yep, there are certainly people in my life that I have trouble keeping in a "postive" light and having a postive attitude with them/in spite of them and toward them. I realize this is something I cannot do on my own. Each and every day I have to give it back to God and ask Him to help me in my struggles. I have also realized that my positive or negative attitude has an effect on my daughter..when I see those very things in HER that I am wanting to change in ME I cringe. So, I have to trust God, get in the Word so that she sees Him in Me which is my goal. Striving to be like Him in every way...

  3. Hannah, that is so true about prioritizing what is really important to God and to your husband as well. It was suggested to me a couple years ago to find out what was important to Shawn and when I asked him I was really surprised. As far as the house goes, I still am surprised at how different things are important to us individually and it helps a lot to take care of what's important to him first rather than what's important to me. When I know he is pleased and not frustrated, it takes a burden off!

  4. Well said Carrie. That is so true. Lots of times we are trying so hard to please our husbands and aren't really doing the things that are important to him.
