Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Are You Having Trouble Even Getting Started???

OK... so if you consider yourself a FrAzZlEd fEmAlE then how can you even find the time to get started on learning how NOT to be one, right??!! Come on, girls... this is where a little willpower, a little perspective, and some good ol-fashioned accountability come in! Let's do this as a group! You're not alone and you CAN do it! Ask Him for help right now in this very moment and commit to give your best energies to spending time with Him. Also lift up your fellow MOMSers and bloggers in prayer! He WILL be faithful, He WILL hear you, He WILL help you! Sooo, let something go if you have to (housework, sleep, whatever) and make it happen today!

And, by the way, here are some de-frazzling tips from the frazzledfemale website:

- Slow down and relax some during the day. Take a little time to get comfortable and feel peaceful. These occasional breaks will clear your mind and help you think about pleasant things. You'll also find that this calming exercise is well worth whatever it takes, to do it. Taking this break will empower you with fuel and freshness to deal with turmoil.

- Choose to deal with negative attitudes. These disruptive thoughts cause "brain drain" and siphon your energy. Besides that, worry and frustration take up so much of your precious time. You could better use this time on problem solving or positive interaction with others. Practice replacing these negative intruders with positive and pleasant thoughts.

- Find something to anticipate. This may be an outing with family or friends. It could be a needed get-away for you to have some private time. Whatever it may be, the practice of anticipation stimulates zest and the zestful person has more energy to deal with the unexpected -- which, of course, IS expected.

- Take slow deep breaths. Slowly breathe in as deeply as you can through your nose. Then quietly and peacefully let the air all of the way out. do this at least three times a day. Getting the stale air out of your lungs helps you feel more energetic.

- Exercise. Now this has been mentioned in every other chapter. Must be pretty important, huh! A fast-paced workout for 25 minutes a day can do wonders for your physical condition AND decrease negative stress levels. The payback from this investment is well worth the time and energy involved doing it.

- Close your eyes and think Happy. As corny as it sounds, this practice will help calm you and help you relax. Remind yourself of your priorities in life. Think about what really matters to you. Maintain a proper perspective.

- Give yourself 10 minutes ... after entering your home in the evening -- to change clothes and "regroup." Don't talk to anyone before you've had this time.

- When things get really tough, confide in a friend. It's healing, talking with someone who understands.


  1. thanks for posting these tips!

  2. Great tips! The blog is fabulous! Great way for us to stay informed and connected.

  3. Okay, so I have to admit I have not started reading...However, I am taking my book to work this morning and plan to read during nap time! Can't wait to see what everyone's perspective is! Love to you all and I pray your time together is blessed!

  4. Karen, we had a great discussion this morning... thanks for praying for us! BTW, you are in my prayer group:)

  5. Thanks Carrie for bringing me a book today and for these great tips! I did start reading the book and was immediatly convicted by the fact that as of now, I do not have a quiet time with my Father and Savior. I have been in "church" and bible studies long enough to know that the key to a close relationship with God, or anyone, for that matter is time spent getting to know each other. I commit to myself and to God, in the presence of all my fellow MOMS friends, that I will, beginning tommorrow morning spend much needed time with my Lord. Please pray for me as I begin this as I will have to get up earlier and that is hard! Although I know from experience that the time I spend with my Lord will be so much more benificial than a few extra minutes of sleep.

  6. Heather! I am right there with you... I have been so inconsistent, girl. Set out your Bible and a notebook, pen, your FF book... whatever you want, just put it all together and preferably at a table instead of on the couch (a few of us agreed today that a table makes a big difference!)! Prepare that spot tonight and be humbled by the knowledge that He LONGS to spend time with you and satisfy you completely!!! I'll be talking to you tomorrow!!

  7. Heather, I know exactly what you mean! I felt convicted about my total lack of a quiet time lately, too. In fact, tonight as I rocked Bryant to sleep, I talked to God and realized how much I miss just spending time with God and how much better I feel when I do. I appplaud your commitment to have a time with the Lord each day, and I will be praying for you! You will be soooo blessed!

  8. Hey ladies! I did it! I got up early and had a few moments of quiet time. It has been so long since I had a real, planned quiet time I really kinda didn't know what to do. Why is it so easy to spend an hour on facebook, or two hours watching a movie and can't spend 15 minutes alone with God without my mind wandering or looking at the clock thinking "is my time up yet?" Even as I write this I am embarressed. How very selfish and self absorbed I am. I hope as I continue to spend time with God I can relish in the moments and not just check it off my to do list.

  9. ok ladies I would like to nominate MYSELF as the most FraAzZlEd woman on earth, especially over the last 3 weeks!!! I know that the only way I have made it through these last few weeks was because of alot of prayer and those quiet moments with my Lord....this book is right on target...I realized several months ago that in my quest for perfection in everything and for everybody, I was not alone enough with The Perfect One! How could I possibly be the perfect wife, mother, nurse, friend, etc?
    We will all learn alot on this journey...I am glad I am traveling with all of you!!
